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Now That We Live In A Monarchy

  The Supreme Court has just ruled that a President of the United States cannot be punished for "official acts." That being the case, President Biden should do the following:

1) Suspend all further elections, at least for the office of President, and declare himself to be "President-for-Life". 

2) Proclaim that a successor of his choosing will be named President upon his death.

3) Disband the Supreme Court and replace it with Justices entirely of his own choosing.

4) Declare the Republican party to be an illegal entity. (Fun Fact, the U.S. Constitution nowhere dictates the existence of political parties. It allows for them but doesn't say they must exist.)

5) Arrest Donald Trump for the charge of Treason.

6) Declare that the right to interpret the Constitution of the United States is his alone. 

7) Proclaim all these to be "official acts".

There will be a lot of protest and rioting in the streets as a result of these official acts, so President Biden should invoke the Insurrection Act to crush dissent, as Jeffrey Clark suggested Donald Trump do, and jail MAGA protestors. It might be necessary to use the military to enforce these official acts, again as Donald Trump wanted to do, but that's no problem now that the President rules by fiat.

Of course I'm being sarcastic. I don't truly believe the President should do any of these things (well, okay, maybe number 5), but the fact is that Biden could potentially do any of these things and more, and simply by declaring them to be "official acts" avoid any prosecution. 

My point is this, should Donald Trump be returned to the White House, as he most likely will, he and his sycophants will establish the most authoritarian government they can get away with and call everything they do with that aim in mind official acts. 


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