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Showing posts from September 19, 2004

Christian fundamentalist terrorists who murder doctors support Bush

Not long ago, one of the networks was covering a Bush rally, and I remember seeing a female Bush supporter holding a sign that read, “Islam supports Kerry.” My first reaction to that sign was, “Yeah, so?” But, being familiar with the mindset of the Christian Right, it struck me that the line of reasoning that accompanies that sign is something to be addressed. This woman’s unspoken proposition is: “All Muslims are fundamentalists and terrorists.” This proposition is, of course, patently false. My goal here is not to discuss the finer points of what exactly fundamentalism is, only to posit that fundamentalism is not the sole property of Islamic terrorists. In fact, we Americans are more familiar with fundamentalism and terrorism than we might remember. And the terrorism of which I speak is a much more home-grown variety. For a technical definition of fundamentalism, and an excellent write-up on the subject, click here I propose to you, dear reader, that the scourge of “fund...