This morning just had a majical feel to it. Watching CNN right now, "Scooter" Libby has been indicted on perjury (one count), obstruction of justice (two counts), and making false statements (two counts), as of 9:46AM Pacific Time. 'Scuse me, I have to clean up this mess I just made under the desk here.....Now I need a smoke....there we go... So what's the story on Rove? And someone on CNN just mentioned Robert Novak! Talk about persona non grata . Scooter Libby resigns as of 10:11AM Pacific Time. Why wasn't he fired? I'm hearing nothing about any un-named co-conspirators (cough cough...Dick Cheney, George Bush, cough.....Donald Rumsfeld). One way Fitzmas is better than X-mas: We get to have this rush of excitement again when more indictments down! Tuning in to Air America Radio , Al Franken is on now, but I'm really interested in what Randi Rhodes has to say. I'm so happy right now, I could sit here all day and just excitedly blog one non-sequitor af...
Just my thoughts on stuff. Writing seems to help me figure things out. Feel free to leave your comments but don't be a jerk. "I (already) know I'm unlovable, you don't have to tell me..."