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Showing posts from October 31, 2004

A Sad Day in American History

The mood around the city was very somber yesterday. People looked shocked and bewildered, as though trying to make sense out of how things could have gone so wrong. But there is no mystery as to what happened. The Christians put him back in office. Despite the fact that George Bush lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Despite the fact that he lied to us about Iraqi links to Al Qaeda, Despite the fact that he lied to us repeatedly about conditions in Iraq, including the Abu Grahib prison scandal, Despite the fact that he continues to tell us that he has made America and the world a safer place when terrorist attacks worldwide have increased, Despite the fact that his administration’s planning for the war in Iraq was, at best, incompetent, in that we didn't have enough soldiers on the ground to do the job, we didn't have the proper body armor/equipment armor, we never secured the borders thereby allowing thousands of foreign terrorist fig...

This Is It!

Well kids, tomorrow is the big day when we all get to exercise our right to vote. I registered to vote this year for the first time since 1990 (see, I am an old curmudgeon). I have maintained for several years now that we do not need a third party in this country, we need a second party in this country. We have been fed a steady diet of "Republicrats" for too long now. But this year, I had to register in order to vote against Bush. Do you know the difference between an optimist and a pessimist? The optimist says that this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist is afraid that the optimist is right. -- Dr. Hobson (one of my philosophy professors) I tell this little joke only to say that I am not necessarily optimistic for the future, irregardless of who wins.

I Don't Understand

The poll numbers are still showing Bush with a lead on the issue of national security. I don't understand how this can be. Every commission, every body assembled to look at 9/11 and the war in Iraq have produced statements saying Bush is a liar. The 9/11 Commission said Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and there was no link to Al Queada while Bush maintained there was. In Afghanistan we let Osama get away. North Korea and Iran have been allowed to pursue nookyooler weapons programs unchecked, and the U.S. is presently more isolated in the world than it has been since before W.W.II, this time, though, its not by "our" choosing, but at the behest of the rest of the world, primarily because our president is (rightly) percieved to be a moron. I don't know, man... I have been consumed since Thursday by an overwhelming sense of despair because I think Bush is gonna win. Last week I was watching Lou Dobbs on CNN, and his question of the night was: If your candi...