Thank god for Air America . I'm sittin' here listening to the Randi Rhodes (no, not the guitar player) show on the live stream, and I hear an excellent turn of phrase about the "dark side of morality." That's what I think about the republicans. They claim to have a monopoloy on morality, but it's reactionary and based on fear. So they'll use any lie, any subterfuge necessary to establish their Kingdom of God. Also, Ms. Rhodes said that anything George Bush touched turned into "turd blossoms." Turd blossoms, I like that. If your 'liberal rage' meter is low and you need something to get angry about, tune in to Air america.
Just my thoughts on stuff. Writing seems to help me figure things out. Feel free to leave your comments but don't be a jerk. "I (already) know I'm unlovable, you don't have to tell me..."