So I was just reading an AP article that quoted Newt Gingrich as saying, "If we go into the election year as the explainers and managers of failure, we're going to get hammered." I couldn't agree more, and that's exactly what the Democratic Party leadership has to get their collective minds around right now. 'Where are the weapons of mass destruction?' Failure. 'Why did we send all those troops to Iraq so woefully under-equipped, as was the case with the "armored up" humvees, and having enough body armor so that soldiers themselves didn't have to buy their own?' Failure. 'Why weren't enough troops sent to do the job and secure the Iraqi borders?' Failure. 'Why, despite the deaths of over 1,900 Americans, and untold numbers of Iraqis, do we now have to "lower our expectations" of what is to become of Iraq because the Bush Administration's ideas of bringing an American style democracy to the Middle East wer...
Just my thoughts on stuff. Writing seems to help me figure things out. Feel free to leave your comments but don't be a jerk. "I (already) know I'm unlovable, you don't have to tell me..."