I got called a Nazi not too long ago. I was riding downtown, doin' my job, and I stopped at a light. As I was waiting at the intersection, one of Lyndon LaRouche's wack-job followers comes over from a stand they had set up on the sidewalk, and asks me, "So, what are you doing to make this world a better place?"
"I'm ridin this here bike," I said right away.
"What good does that do?"
"Makes one less car on the road, friend. Makes us that much less dependant on foreign oil."
"Well that's not enough," he says.
I knew my light was about to change so I decided to let him have it.
"I bet you drive a car less than a mile to the store don't you?"
"Yeah, so...," he stammered.
"So, you support wars for oil then. What's LaRouchie got to say about that, friend?"
His mouth opened and closed but no words came out. Poor guy had nothin' to say, so I finished it for him.
"I bet y...