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Showing posts from June 6, 2004
Sophie T. Dog in the sun. Yeah, baby! 

Bush's Speech at Reagan's Funeral

Bein' on vacation I'm sittin' here watching Bushie embarrass himself. While quoting Reagan, Bush says, "He referred to Soviet leaders as 'Slave masters.'" Now, Mikhail Gorbachev is sitting about 6 rows back, and when he said this, the camera panned the congregation to reveal a pained look on the faces of everyone. Right this moment he's been going on about how bad the conditions were in the Soviet Union when Reagan took office. The camera continues to pan and the look on everyone's face is 'Dude, you really are a moron. This is not the forum for these comments.'

The Roots of Torture

Link This link takes you to the first part of a three part story in "Newsweek" magazine detailing the how the prison torture scandal out of Iraq was not the work of 6 or 7 M.P.'s. I have never believed that the torture dipicted in the pictures was ever thought up by those kids they've prosecuted.

Crazy Christians

Link So, a group calling itself Christian Exodus wants Christians to move en masse to the state of South Carolina in order to create a voting bloc large enough to force a vote whereby the state seccedes from the union to become a "Christian Country." I say let 'em do it as long as they all go there. Then they can pass all the hateful, repressive, discriminatory laws they want to, and we won't have to deal with them anymore. Ok...ok...maybe not all of them. I know many Christians (my parents included) who are good people and for whom their faith is their own; they aren't interested in legislating their morality. These people could stay living in the U.S., the rest would have to go. There would have to be some sort of litmus test devised for rooting out the 'morality legislators'....hhmmm......... Is South Carolina going to be large enough to hold them all? Perhaps someone should suggest Alaska........

Ray Charles

If anyone should get a week-long tribute to their life its Ray Charles. The world will miss one of the most talented, and just plain coolest musicians ever to play the piano. Rest in peace, Soulman.

How Much More

I just don't think I can stand much more of this Reagan coverage on the news. You'd think from watching the news that this man did not preside over the biggest jump in the national debt in history. From watching the coverage, one might forget that Reagan went out of his way to roll back race relations in this country. And finally, let's not forget about how he cut federal funding to mental institutions, turning thousands of mentally ill people out into the streets. This man does not warrant the week-long stroke-fest he has received. The one and only good thing I see coming out of all this coverage, is the face time Nancy is getting towards pressuring the Bush administration to lighten up on its position regarding stem cell research.

Bomb the Saudis

If all but one of the 9/11 highjackers were Saudi nationals then why aren't we bombing the snot out of the Saudis? Because Bush and Cheney are so far up the Saudi's asses they would never do anything to jeopardize the flow of precious oil.

Not Even a Hedgehog - The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. By Christopher�Hitchens

"Not long ago, I was invited to be the specter at the feast during "Ronald Reagan Appreciation Week" at Wabash College in Indiana. One of my opponents was Dinesh D'Souza: He wasn't the only one who maintained that Reagan had been historically vindicated by the wreckage of the Soviet Union. Some of us on the left had also been very glad indeed to see the end of the Russian empire and the Cold War. But nothing could make me forget what the Reagan years had actually been like. Ronald Reagan claimed that the Russian language had no word for "freedom." (The word is "svoboda"; it's quite well attested in Russian literature.) Ronald Reagan said that intercontinental ballistic missiles (not that there are any non-ballistic missiles—a corruption of language that isn't his fault) could be recalled once launched. Ronald Reagan said that he sought a "Star Wars" defense only in order to share the technology with the tyrants of the U.S.S...


I got called a Nazi not too long ago. I was riding downtown, doin' my job, and I stopped at a light. As I was waiting at the intersection, one of Lyndon LaRouche's wack-job followers comes over from a stand they had set up on the sidewalk, and asks me, "So, what are you doing to make this world a better place?" "I'm ridin this here bike," I said right away. "What good does that do?" "Makes one less car on the road, friend. Makes us that much less dependant on foreign oil." "Well that's not enough," he says. I knew my light was about to change so I decided to let him have it. "I bet you drive a car less than a mile to the store don't you?" "Yeah, so...," he stammered. "So, you support wars for oil then. What's LaRouchie got to say about that, friend?" His mouth opened and closed but no words came out. Poor guy had nothin' to say, so I finished it for him. "I bet y...

The New York Times > Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

The New York Times > Breaking News, World News & Multimedia I was interested to see in the NYT today some mention of the fact that even some WWII veterans disagree with Bush when he tries to compare that war with the one he started in Iraq. A Mr. Frederick Culbert, 84, who commanded a PT at the landing in Normandy says, "World War II and Iraq? They're not comparable. Our war had a real purpose. I'm not anti-American at all but the truth is, some wars are more useful than others. I don't quite see where this war in Iraq is leading us."

Ronnie's Passing

So, aren't we all through with all the coverage of Reagan's Life and Times? I have searched through quite a lot of media coverage this weekend, looking for any mention of the irony that Reagan spent his last days as a mental patient in extreme comfort and on the taxpayer's bill, as opposed to all the mentally ill patients that were turned out on to the streets in the 1980's when he cut funding for the upkeep and maintenance of federally funded mental institutions.
On the Back Deck