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Showing posts from May 7, 2006

Gas Prices and Bush's Poll Numbers

You know, kids, anything that puts President Bush's polling numbers in the dumper is a good thing as far as I'm concerned...usually. But I'm amazed that concerning the price of a gallon of gas, people don't seem to be getting the bigger picture. President Bush, and Congress for that matter, are not directly responsible for the price of gas. It's all about world economics. Primarily the economies of India and China. In years past, neither of these countries placed that huge a demand on oil, and in India's case, they couldn't have afforded it if they had wanted it. Now, those two countries are using more oil than ever before. Why? My theory, at least in part, is that it's because the United States has exported so many jobs to both India and China, there are a lot more people there who can now afford to purchase cars. I have tried googling to find some statistics and have so far come up wanting, but I bet some astute reader could come up with the relevant ...

Math Anxiety

I don't normally blog my school experiences, but I just found out today that I have to take more math. I thought I was done with math, but now I find out I have two more classes to take. I am so upset I can't hardly breath. I am so math phobic it's not funny. No, really, it's not funny. I have anxiety attacks in math class. I start to sweat and sometimes I literally start to shake. Years ago when working on my philosophy degree, I had to take logic and did relatively well. And I get so tired of having people tell me that since I did well in logic, I should do well in math. Well, it doesn't work that way, at least not for me. Otherwise (meaning except for the math) things go well. I am actually ahead in my Cisco class, primarily because I didn't take any math this quarter, and my Net Security class is a breeze. Fucking math! Whose ideas is/was it that one has to be a math whiz in order to work with computers?!

Snow Job

Fox News' Tony Snow will be taking over for Scott "Mclyin'" McClellan on Monday. As I understand it, Snow is considering removing the television cameras from his daily briefings. While we will still be able to read his lies in the print media, I guess he doesn't want to actually be shown lying on TV. Think about how much fun the Jon Stewart Show had with the McClellan clips, Snow wants to avoid that. Anyhoo, the good folks over at Media Matters have documented some of Snow's previous lies in the media. Things like: Snow said Joe Wilson says he was sent to Niger by Dick Cheney, Snow claimed that President Jimmy Carter had authorized warrantless surveilance of U.S. Citizens, Snow suggested that the Democrats objected to Bush's warrantless wiretapping because they think "the government shouldn't be able to listen to Al-queda." Maybe being able to come up with this shit all by himself was what got him the Press Secretary job.