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Showing posts from November 28, 2004

The Holidays

Well, the holiday season is now, truly, upon us. The good things about the holidays are all the time off work that comes around, getting presents, and the holiday parties. The bad thing about the holidays is the fact that the Christians use this time of the year to tell us, over and over, that "Jesus is the reason for the season," which is patently false. This year, I really want to make a t-shirt that says something like, 'Jesus is not the reason for the season. For centuries prior to the birth of Jesus, cultures across the globe had solstice festivals dedicated to their own gods. (The winter solstice is December 21, for those who didn't know.) As Christianity spread, the early Christian church kept the festivals of the locals and inserted a Christian theme or person as the focus of the celebration. So it could be said that any number of gods are the "reason for the season."' But I don't think all that would fit on one shirt.