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Showing posts from December 18, 2005


Yes, I know it's been forever since I posted. I've been so very busy with school.....anyhoo, I finished my Math final and I think I did okay. Oddly enough, it wasn't the math I was worried about at the end of the quarter, it was the Cisco. Oh, my, god was that course hard. So many acronyms! And now I've got Cisco 2 to look forward to. And more math.... At any rate, the big news is my impending oral surgery. At 40 years old, I need my wisdom teeth out. My intitial appointment with the surgeon is Jan. 12. I don't know when my surgery will be but it can't be soon enough. I'll be so happy to be able to eat solid food again, and to drink cold liquids (beer, whiskey & soda on the rocks, eggnog, milk straight from the carton when Jessica isn't looking, etc...) again. I'll probably miss about a week of school with the chubby-cheeked after-care, but I don't care, this has to happen soon.

So Much To Be Mad At

Every day Bush Co. provides more to be pissed off about. Every day it's something new. Illegal wire-taps against American citizens, "black-ops" prisons all over the world, $13 billion dollars removed from higher education aid in a dark-of-night senate vote, billions of dollars for Alaska to open ANWR and to build a bridge to nowhere (attached to a bill that appropriates money for the troops in Iraq, no less), supreme court seats being left for the christian right to pick; the list goes on and on. I worry that nothing will happen about any of this simply because there's so freaking much to go after. It would seem a monumental task to appoint a committee to look into all these crimes, the house and senate would get even less done than they already do if all of the Bush crime family's dirty dealings were looked into. I say we need another special investigator (of course with an unlimited budget, the authority to look into anything, and unlimited time to bring charges...