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Showing posts from January 15, 2006

Bush -N- Bin Laden

Just saw on CNN how many times in the past, Osama bin Laden has popped back in to the public view with a recording or a video tape, right about the time the Bush Administration needs to draw attention away from some misdeed of their own making (illegal wire-tapping of American citizens) to some aspect of 9/11. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist. But it's no longer much of a stretch for me to believe that Osama is on the Bush administration pay-roll. Don't forget that the bin Laden family was heavily invested in the Bush family oil business back when Jr. was failing miserably at drilling for oil in Texas. Combine that with the fact that the one plane allowed to operate in American airspace immediately following 9/11 was a plane carrying members of the bin Laden family, one has to ask the question: Just exactly how far up the Saudi's and/or the bin Laden's' collective asses is the Bush Administration? Bush promised us bin Laden, "dead or alive." Fo...

Paul Bremer on CNN

Just watched Wolf Blitzer expose Paul Bremer for what he is: A republican lackey in the mold of "Brown-nose" ("Doin' a heck'uv a job,") Brownie. Perhaps Bremer wasn't/isn't quite as incompetent as Brownie, but he is definately a republican yes-man and a liar. In discussing his new book, "My Year in Iraq," Bremer appears to be trying to market himself to the political middle and left. There seem to be passages where Bremer calls on the Bush administration for more troops, saying that troop levels on his arrival in the country weren't high enough. One passage relates an alleged conversation with Donald Rumsfeld about the reports on the numbers of Iraqi soldiers and policemen, who were supposed to be ready to shoulder some of the U.S. troops' burden, being over inflated. Another passage detailed the chaos he found on his arrival. This is all what Bremer says he said then. So then why is it that Wolf has Bremer on tape saying the exac...

The Holidays Sucked

I would have to say that this has been the worst holiday season I’ve experienced in a very long time. It’s not anybody’s fault, in fact there’s no blame to be laid at all. See, just before Thanksgiving, I had a horrible cold. I was miserable over the holiday weekend. Soon after turkey day, the need for me to have my wisdom teeth pulled became painfully evident. I haven’t been able to chew on the left side of my mouth since November, and sometimes my mouth hurts a lot, and sometimes not so much. But it’s okay, the long wait for me to be on Jessica’s insurance is over, and I will soon have an appointment with an oral surgeon, so I know that this is a pain that will soon come to an end. Xmas was hard because Jess and I are so broke. We had to buy new tires unexpectedly, and, well, never mind… suffice to say that at the end of December, there was only $13.00 in the savings account. We didn’t have enough to get each other anything. This is not a plea for money! We knew what we were in for w...