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Showing posts from March 27, 2005

Two Days Left

My last official day at ABC is Thursday the 31st. But, its a company tradition that a person leaving get the "golden parachute." That's where you get your last day, off, with pay. So my last working day is tommorow. Its gonna be really wierd the next couple days.....

Check Out These Sites!

Okay, 2 sites I've recently discovered that I must pass on to all my readers (again, all three of you). specializes in all your Jesus trinket needs, from Christian panties to 'bobble-head' Jesus, to your choice of soap-on-a-rope saints! The other is a satirical political blog called, Jesus' General: A 10 on the manly scale of absolute gender. Dark humor with an axe to grind. Just the way you like it.

Capitol Watch: Sustainable smoke?

Capitol Watch: Sustainable smoke? Now, when I voted for Christine Gregoire, I did so knowing I would not agree with everything she did as Governor. Her proposed cigarette tax increase to fund public school issues - such as smaller class sizes - is one of those instances. I am not against taxes. America is one of the most under-taxed countries in the world. No, I just don't think another "sin tax" is the right way to go for funding public schools. I realize that some persons who are smokers are parents of children, but not all are, so why should they pay for the other? As a tax payer in the state of Washington, a lot of my money already goes to the public schools. I'm fine with that. It's in society's best interest to have an educated population. But why should I pay more for it just because I smoke. Older folks whose kids are out of school often have the same complaint regarding their property taxes. A lot of the money raised by taxing property goes to school...