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Showing posts from November 5, 2006

A Party with the Dems

Jessica and I went to the big "Hooray For Us" party at the Sheraton last night to help celebrate the ass-whoopin' that we handed to the Republicans. It was very cool to finaly be able to celebrate, and with several hundred of my closest friends no less. There was the general feeling that perhaps now things might start to get better. Anyhoo, we didn't stick around for long. We had a drink and said 'hi' to all my friends with the Washington State Democrats, we listened to the speeches and then we left. I just wish I had a better camera in my phone, I would have taken more pictures. As it is, I only got this one crappy picture of Jim McDermot being interviewed after his speech.

A New Blog

I'm going to try something. I've created a new blog called Blogging Politics From The Left , and from now on all my political rants will go there. This is just an experiment that may not last, but I encourage you to check it out and bookmark it if you like it. It occured to me that this blog was choked with politics, and I wanted to separate my personal blog and use it for actualy blogging my life. So I will continue to post observations from work and my own personal things here, and will post my political observations on the new blog, Blogging Politics From the Left .

Partisanship Shouldn't Die Just Yet

I heard Senator Reid say yesterday that one of the top things on the agenda in the new Congress will be "the reconciliation of the parties." And Nancy Palosi is all over MSNBC talking about a "spirit of bi-partisanship." I do believe that we need those things..., but let's not be too hasty. There are some heads that NEED to roll first, first among them, that of the President. Its not about revenge. This president has gone to great lengths to subvert and evade the Constitution of the United States, and there can be no bi-partisanship, there can be no reconciliation until this president has been publicly "smacked down" as a historical reminder to future presidents that this kind of activity will not be tolerated and cannot repeated. This president has amassed more power to himself than any past president, and he has used that power to spy on American citizens, to roll back the Bill Of Rights, and, by use of the signing signature, to exempt himself from l...