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Showing posts from July 4, 2004

Bush maintains Iraq WMD claims.

How many times can he play this card? Let's go pre-invasion for a moment. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Saddam really did have the thousands of tons of chemical weapons the Bush administration says he had. And let's say that he really did have all the "nookyoolur" (as George W. pronounces it) capabilities they said he did. Now, given that we haven't found any of it, we have to ask, what happened to it? Perhaps it was all moved. That would have taken a whole lot of trucks to transport all that stuff. We had spy planes in the air over Iraq constantly, and I don't recall seeing any reports of convoys of trucks leaving Iraq. It seems to me that if the administration had film of trucks leaving Iraq they could point to that and say, "See, Saddam's trying to get the stockpiles out of the country." But there was nothing like that reported in the news. Colin Powell was busy showing us pictures of "mobile chemical weapons plants...

Fahrenheit 9/11

Just got beck from seeing Moore's new movie and I recommend it to anyone. Having been reading news from all over the world, as well as watching the Bush administration very closely since W's reign began,I was not surprised at what I saw in the movie; rather, it was more of a confirmation of things I had been thinking. My favorite parts of the movie include: the footage of Bush continuing to read "My Pet Goat" along with the children as we were under attack. Without Cheney or Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz around to tell him what to do, Bush sits there silent, for seven minutes. I also liked the swat Moore takes at Democrats who buckled under to the administration's power plays in the aftermath of 9/11. The only congressman who really gets any love is our own Jim McDermott (D-WA), who went to Iraq and tried to talk some sense into some people, and who was rewarded by being called a traitor when he got home, even by some people in the Democratic Party. But the real c...

Verbal Vomit: Anti-Defamation Laws be Damned!

So we had our little BBQ yesterday; lets just say there were two distinct parties that happened. There was “The Clark Show,” which took place early on, and the “normal party,” that was later in the evening. Ultimately, I have to take responsibility for The Clark Show, because I invited Peggy (the girl in the picture below) whom I work with, and she naturally brought her boyfriend of a few years with her. Now, I had talked to this girl at work, even puffed with her after work, and had perfectly normal, rational conversations. There was no way I could have known about what was to come. Clark and Peggy arrived about 5:30 PM. They did bring food. He had a ‘40’ of Miller, and she had a big bottle of Bass Ale (good beer). After introductions were made all around, I pulled out my stash and loaded one. Now, during the introductions, Clark seemed like a normal person. But, dude, when we smoked, it was like flippin’ a switch. Jessica said it was like watching the old cult classic, Reefer Mad...
For God's sake, whatever you do, Do Not get this man stoned!