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Showing posts from August 29, 2004

Kerry comes out swingin' in Ohio

Sittin' here watching CNN and Kerry is speaking in Ohio immediately following the Republican's convention. He is finally saying what he's needed to say for a long time. Especially the part about the Bush administration misleading us into the war in Iraq. You'll remember that when it looked like no weapons of mass destruction were going to be found, the Bushies started the spin by suggesting that we really went to war to liberate Iraq. We did it to help out those poor Iraqis. Now, don't get me wrong, those Iraqis were in a miserable position, gassed, murdered and repressed. But that is the case for any number of back-water, shit-hole countries in the world, yet no one suggests invading them to liberate them. And that's not what George W. Bush told the American people. George W. Bush told us that Saddam Hussein had gone to Nigeria to obtain yellowcake uranium in order to produce "nookyooler" weapons, and that if we didn't invade Iraq, the smoking gun...

Watching CNN

Just sitting here watching CNN's "pre-game show" to the RNC's big stroke fest. The "tens of thousands" of protestors who have showed up are getting a lot of coverage. Anyway, the commentator is explaining how most of the protests had been peaceful, but there "had been a few trouble-makers." At that point, the footage shows a pile of bikes and then shows some scruffy looking folks wearing Chrome (a brand) messenger bags! Fuck yeah. I can just see these guys protesting their right of access being taken away.

Bush says Kerry's service "More Heroic"

(Or, Who's is Bigger?) 'Asked if he believed that he and Kerry "served on the same level of heroism," Bush replied, "No, I don't. I think him going to Vietnam was more heroic than my (avoiding service and staying in Texas to pretend*) flying fighter jets. He was in harm's way and I wasn't."' (From the artical) (* items in italics are mine) Bush's statement about flying jets is made even funnier because everyone knows that he didn't even do that! George W. Bush's time-in-service consisted of showing up to a dentist's appointment. In fact, I would like to see an ad that compares this size of each candidates service record file. See, having been in the service, I know that the feds keep all those records. Kerry, having actually shown up for his service and having won all those awards, and even coming home and then speaking out against the war, would have a large, robust, thick file of several inches , maybe even requir...