8:15AM Pacific Time: Sittin here watchin Wolf interview Rummy on Late Edition, and Rummy is talking about why it's not a good idea to pull out of Iraq right now. He's talking about, and I paraphrase, "If we establish a timeline for pull-out, then we're telling the insurgents that they only have to wait until we're gone, and if we do that, they will wait, and then unleash a blood bath when we're gone."
Goddamit, I hate it when I have to agree with one of these trolls. But, sadly, no matter how much we hate the Bush administration, truth, from any source is still truth. And the truth is, the insurgents will wait, and they will unleash a blood-bath. What Rummy doesn't say is, all that will be our fault.
I have to say it, though it pains me to do so, I do think it's irresponsible to call for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq, because of what I said above. I believe that what the democrats need to keep harping on is the fact that pre-war intelligence was manipulated in a rush to war.
The administration likes to say that Democrats now calling for troop withdrawal, voted for the war. Bush likes to remind Democrats that they voted to go to war based on the intelligence that was presented. I say that we use that as a cudgel against the Bush administration by saying, 'Yes, we did vote based on what was presented, and now, we know you lied to us.
See, we invaded and conquered Iraq. From that moment in time, we owned Iraq. Iraq was, and is, our responsibility. If we pull out before the Iraqis are able to govern and defend their government against insurgent attack, then that country probably will descend into a civil war that will kill tens of thousands of people, and it will be our fault and one more reason for everyone in that part of the world to hate us, more.
Goddamit, I hate it when I have to agree with one of these trolls. But, sadly, no matter how much we hate the Bush administration, truth, from any source is still truth. And the truth is, the insurgents will wait, and they will unleash a blood-bath. What Rummy doesn't say is, all that will be our fault.
I have to say it, though it pains me to do so, I do think it's irresponsible to call for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq, because of what I said above. I believe that what the democrats need to keep harping on is the fact that pre-war intelligence was manipulated in a rush to war.
The administration likes to say that Democrats now calling for troop withdrawal, voted for the war. Bush likes to remind Democrats that they voted to go to war based on the intelligence that was presented. I say that we use that as a cudgel against the Bush administration by saying, 'Yes, we did vote based on what was presented, and now, we know you lied to us.
See, we invaded and conquered Iraq. From that moment in time, we owned Iraq. Iraq was, and is, our responsibility. If we pull out before the Iraqis are able to govern and defend their government against insurgent attack, then that country probably will descend into a civil war that will kill tens of thousands of people, and it will be our fault and one more reason for everyone in that part of the world to hate us, more.