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Where to start...what to say?

What is there to say other than to state the fact that George W. Bush is going to go down as the single worst president in American history. For starters, he just can't stop lying to the Americn people. It's like he's been lying to us for so long, it's all he knows now. Since 2002, the Bush administration has been looting the Army Corps. of Engineers fund that was supposed to be used for improving the levees in New Orleans, and using that money to fund his war on Iraq. Then, after years of newspaper editorials explaining what would happen in the face of a storm, after years of the city of New Orleans complaining that the levee work wasn't being done, Bush has the brass balls to look right into the camera and tell us, "No one could have anticipated the levee would break." Jesus fucking christ on a crutch! It makes me so mad I can't breath.

In Bush's mad world, a political cronie whose last position was judging horses seems a perfect choice to head FEMA. Never mind the fact this guy had zero crisis management experience! The sad thing is, Mike "Brown Nose" Brown was allowed to resign rather than being fired and publicly humiliated.

And now, the lawsuits have already started over what is certain to become the biggest insurance debacle in history. Homeowner's claims for compensation are being denied because their homes were destroyed, not by the storm (for which they were insured), but by the insuing flooding, for which they were not insured. The problem is, many homeowners were told by their insurance companies that because of the levees, they didn't need flood insurance! So, fine, all those homeowners with rejected claims should turn around and sue the federal gov't for defunding the levee projects. Is it possible for a private citizen to bring a civil suit against a former president for actions taken while president? I don't think it is, but that would be beautiful to see Bush held accountable for what he has done.

And speaking of responsibility, did you see that historic moment when Bush actually said on TV that he was responsible for the gov't's slow response? Didn't he look like it caused him physical pain to say those words? Actually, it probably wasn't pain, he looked like he was just saying the words without actually knowing what, exactly, he was apologizing for. He "took responsibility," not because it was the right thing to do, but because it was politically expedient.


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