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Merry Fitzmas!

This morning just had a majical feel to it.

Watching CNN right now, "Scooter" Libby has been indicted on perjury (one count), obstruction of justice (two counts), and making false statements (two counts), as of 9:46AM Pacific Time. 'Scuse me, I have to clean up this mess I just made under the desk here.....Now I need a smoke....there we go...

So what's the story on Rove?

And someone on CNN just mentioned Robert Novak! Talk about persona non grata.

Scooter Libby resigns as of 10:11AM Pacific Time. Why wasn't he fired?

I'm hearing nothing about any un-named co-conspirators (cough cough...Dick Cheney, George Bush, cough.....Donald Rumsfeld).

One way Fitzmas is better than X-mas: We get to have this rush of excitement again when more indictments down!

Tuning in to Air America Radio, Al Franken is on now, but I'm really interested in what Randi Rhodes has to say.

I'm so happy right now, I could sit here all day and just excitedly blog one non-sequitor after another depending on what I hear on TV (CNN's still on in the living room), or on Air America's stream, but I won't. I don't want you to be a witness to my political porn overload.

I'll write more later........


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