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Yes, I know it's been forever since I posted. I've been so very busy with school.....anyhoo, I finished my Math final and I think I did okay. Oddly enough, it wasn't the math I was worried about at the end of the quarter, it was the Cisco. Oh, my, god was that course hard. So many acronyms! And now I've got Cisco 2 to look forward to. And more math....

At any rate, the big news is my impending oral surgery. At 40 years old, I need my wisdom teeth out. My intitial appointment with the surgeon is Jan. 12. I don't know when my surgery will be but it can't be soon enough. I'll be so happy to be able to eat solid food again, and to drink cold liquids (beer, whiskey & soda on the rocks, eggnog, milk straight from the carton when Jessica isn't looking, etc...) again. I'll probably miss about a week of school with the chubby-cheeked after-care, but I don't care, this has to happen soon.


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