If you don't think there are some Americans who are convinced that we are engaged in a Holy War of West vs. East, or Christendom vs. Islam, then take a look at the picture below. This is the Flag Guy. I see him all the time around downtown Seattle. If you look, you'll see an American flag, a British flag and a Christian flag. I think I can make the case for the U.S. having been the 'standard bearer' of Western Culture for the past 50 years. The British flag is representative of our immediate cultural parentage, as it were, (Britain first, then Europe by extension). And the Christian flag represents the tie that binds us in the West, and also is what we're fighting to defend, according to the Flag Guy.
OK, so I decided that I wasn't going to write anything political, that I was just gonna write about personal stuff. And I haven't written a thing in two weeks. How boring is my life? But I've got some stuff coming.....