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BBQ at Adam and Carries

So, Jeremiah, Jessica, and I went to a BBQ at our friends Adam and Carrie’s place in West Seattle yesterday. I didn’t take any pictures although there were a few cute girls there, including of course, my sweet baby, Jessica. It was an o.k. BBQ, it was a party for one of Carrie’s friends and Adam invited the crew from ABC (where I work), but I was the only messenger to show up (much to Carrie’s relief, I’m sure).

Anyway, there was this one girl there, Alyson, who said she was there specifically because she had been told, “there would be messenger guys there with nice butts.” She made me spin for her. She was pretty much on the prowl and I thought Jeremiah might have tried to hit that; she was cute enough, I’d have done her. All night long she kept talking about my ass. Jeremiah spent the evening talking to this really cute red-haired girl. She was only in town for a few days, though, and was at the party with a girlfriend. So nothing would have really happened there anyway. I tried to tell him Alyson was a sure thing….. Haha, at one point Jess asked if she had a chance with Alyson and I said “probably, if it involves me or Jeremiah, or both!”

Anyway, Jess and I will have a BBQ over the Fourth of July weekend. Our BBQs are famous! People at work start asking about when ‘the season’ starts as soon as the weather gets nice.


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