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Crazy Christians

So, a group calling itself Christian Exodus wants Christians to move en masse to the state of South Carolina in order to create a voting bloc large enough to force a vote whereby the state seccedes from the union to become a "Christian Country." I say let 'em do it as long as they all go there. Then they can pass all the hateful, repressive, discriminatory laws they want to, and we won't have to deal with them anymore.

Ok...ok...maybe not all of them. I know many Christians (my parents included) who are good people and for whom their faith is their own; they aren't interested in legislating their morality. These people could stay living in the U.S., the rest would have to go.

There would have to be some sort of litmus test devised for rooting out the 'morality legislators'....hhmmm.........

Is South Carolina going to be large enough to hold them all? Perhaps someone should suggest Alaska........


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