Some sort of popular revolt can only be a short time away as the Bush administration is shown, almost daily, to be a group of filthy liars. The 9/11 Commission shows positively that Bush lied to the country about links between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Al Queda, among other things, in order to justify an attack on Iraq.
Now, I'm no pacifist. I truly believe that sometimes, you have to kick some ass. As a sovereign nation we can not just let some terrorist assholes come over here and push us around, a la 9/11. But let's make damn sure we're bombing the right people. Invading Afghanistan was a good idea and took balls. I'll give Georgie that much. There actually were terrorist training camps there. But people were questioning Bush's allegations about the "Iraqi-Al Queda collaberation from the beginning because it smacked of "Saddam tried to kill my daddy," revenge.
Now, I'm no pacifist. I truly believe that sometimes, you have to kick some ass. As a sovereign nation we can not just let some terrorist assholes come over here and push us around, a la 9/11. But let's make damn sure we're bombing the right people. Invading Afghanistan was a good idea and took balls. I'll give Georgie that much. There actually were terrorist training camps there. But people were questioning Bush's allegations about the "Iraqi-Al Queda collaberation from the beginning because it smacked of "Saddam tried to kill my daddy," revenge.