Just got beck from seeing Moore's new movie and I recommend it to anyone. Having been reading news from all over the world, as well as watching the Bush administration very closely since W's reign began,I was not surprised at what I saw in the movie; rather, it was more of a confirmation of things I had been thinking.
My favorite parts of the movie include: the footage of Bush continuing to read "My Pet Goat" along with the children as we were under attack. Without Cheney or Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz around to tell him what to do, Bush sits there silent, for seven minutes. I also liked the swat Moore takes at Democrats who buckled under to the administration's power plays in the aftermath of 9/11. The only congressman who really gets any love is our own Jim McDermott (D-WA), who went to Iraq and tried to talk some sense into some people, and who was rewarded by being called a traitor when he got home, even by some people in the Democratic Party.
But the real confirmation came in all the revelations about how close the Bush family is with the Royal House of Saud. Moore reveals that its entirely possible that the Saudis "own" up to 7% of America via heavy investment in Bush family projects and various publicly held security (read arms producers)firms. The total number in Saudi investments in the country was given at 'X trillions' of dollars (I don't remember the exact amount, and yes, that's trillions of dollars) which, at the time was roughly equivalent to 7% of America's Gross Domestic Product. I've always said that something was seriously fucked up when the family of the man believed responsible for 9/11 was allowed to leave via airplane, when American air space was supposedly shut down. It seems to me one doesn't just let those folks leave. Rather, one puts the screws to those folks. I'm not talking about torture, I'm talking about good ol' fashion police type interrogation. But you don't just let 'em fucking go! Unless there's something to hide. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it sure makes one wonder, doesn't it?
Anyway, Moore says in the press he has an assload of lawyers and mountains of documentation to back up everything he asserts in the film, so I suppose we'll see. If Moore really has just lied through his teeth then the Bush administration should come after him legally, through the courts. If they leave him alone, legally speaking, it may mean they know Moore has the goods on them. Ah...so much to speculate about.... I do think its interesting that the Bushies have only tried to attack Moore personally, rather than what he asserts in the movie.
My favorite parts of the movie include: the footage of Bush continuing to read "My Pet Goat" along with the children as we were under attack. Without Cheney or Rumsfeld or Wolfowitz around to tell him what to do, Bush sits there silent, for seven minutes. I also liked the swat Moore takes at Democrats who buckled under to the administration's power plays in the aftermath of 9/11. The only congressman who really gets any love is our own Jim McDermott (D-WA), who went to Iraq and tried to talk some sense into some people, and who was rewarded by being called a traitor when he got home, even by some people in the Democratic Party.
But the real confirmation came in all the revelations about how close the Bush family is with the Royal House of Saud. Moore reveals that its entirely possible that the Saudis "own" up to 7% of America via heavy investment in Bush family projects and various publicly held security (read arms producers)firms. The total number in Saudi investments in the country was given at 'X trillions' of dollars (I don't remember the exact amount, and yes, that's trillions of dollars) which, at the time was roughly equivalent to 7% of America's Gross Domestic Product. I've always said that something was seriously fucked up when the family of the man believed responsible for 9/11 was allowed to leave via airplane, when American air space was supposedly shut down. It seems to me one doesn't just let those folks leave. Rather, one puts the screws to those folks. I'm not talking about torture, I'm talking about good ol' fashion police type interrogation. But you don't just let 'em fucking go! Unless there's something to hide. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it sure makes one wonder, doesn't it?
Anyway, Moore says in the press he has an assload of lawyers and mountains of documentation to back up everything he asserts in the film, so I suppose we'll see. If Moore really has just lied through his teeth then the Bush administration should come after him legally, through the courts. If they leave him alone, legally speaking, it may mean they know Moore has the goods on them. Ah...so much to speculate about.... I do think its interesting that the Bushies have only tried to attack Moore personally, rather than what he asserts in the movie.