Jesus Fucking Christ on a Crutch. Can't you just hear the sound of 'jackboots' echoing through the streets late at night as the fucking thought police come for you. The fact that these Nazi tactics are approved by the same branch of the justice dept. that gave thumbs up to the torture that went on at Abu Grahib prison should come as no surprise to anyone. That it's so brazen reveals the true, thug-like nature that has found expression in this Bush administration. I wonder what Rumsfeld and Wolfowits are gonna think up to top the "Beerhall Putsch."
I have a friend who, I’m very nearly certain, voted for Bush. He told me as recently as a week prior to the election that he was considering voting for Bush because of the terrorism issue. I’m thinking very seriously about cutting him off as a friend. You see, the problem isn’t necessarily that he voted for Bush, it’s that I no longer respect him for coming to that decision. Having succumbed to America’s jingoistic view of Muslims I now think that perhaps my friend doesn’t have the intellectual agility I originally credited to him.
Is there any one else out there who feels betrayed by a friend who voted for Bush? I’m interested in reader’s opinions on the matter so please post a comment.