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Bush says Kerry's service "More Heroic"

(Or, Who's is Bigger?)

'Asked if he believed that he and Kerry "served on the same level of heroism," Bush replied, "No, I don't. I think him going to Vietnam was more heroic than my (avoiding service and staying in Texas to pretend*) flying fighter jets. He was in harm's way and I wasn't."' (From the artical) (* items in italics are mine)

Bush's statement about flying jets is made even funnier because everyone knows that he didn't even do that! George W. Bush's time-in-service consisted of showing up to a dentist's appointment. In fact, I would like to see an ad that compares this size of each candidates service record file. See, having been in the service, I know that the feds keep all those records. Kerry, having actually shown up for his service and having won all those awards, and even coming home and then speaking out against the war, would have a large, robust, thick file of several inches, maybe even requiring a few folders to hold all of the contents. Bush, on the other hand, who avoided getting his hands dirty, well, his file would be revealed to be a small, flat, flaccid little thing containing nothing more than those dental records. A small paper clip could hold the entirety of its paltry contents.


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