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Kerry comes out swingin' in Ohio

Sittin' here watching CNN and Kerry is speaking in Ohio immediately following the Republican's convention. He is finally saying what he's needed to say for a long time. Especially the part about the Bush administration misleading us into the war in Iraq. You'll remember that when it looked like no weapons of mass destruction were going to be found, the Bushies started the spin by suggesting that we really went to war to liberate Iraq. We did it to help out those poor Iraqis. Now, don't get me wrong, those Iraqis were in a miserable position, gassed, murdered and repressed. But that is the case for any number of back-water, shit-hole countries in the world, yet no one suggests invading them to liberate them. And that's not what George W. Bush told the American people. George W. Bush told us that Saddam Hussein had gone to Nigeria to obtain yellowcake uranium in order to produce "nookyooler" weapons, and that if we didn't invade Iraq, the smoking gun was going to be a "mushroom cloud."

Also, much more needs to be said about the transference of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks from Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein. In Bush's speech tonight, never once did he mention Osama bin Laden's name, not once. He went straight from 9/11 to Saddam Hussein, every time. In the Bush lexicon, the "war on terror" is synonomous with the war in Iraq. In fact, I have heard of surveys that have been done where people have responded to questions on the matter by saying they believed Saddam Hussein, not Osama bin Laden, was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

The Republican convention was devoid of discussion concerning domestic policy. The reason for that is simple: they don't have one. Millions of jobs lost, millions of people without health care, every child left behind, what else is there to say. Tonight, Bush promised what will turn out to be billions of dollars worth of social programs that sound good, but will never materialize, just like he did in 2000.

I truly hope that from now on Kerry and Edwards come out swinging.

Finally, I saw the new "Swift Boat" ad today. The ad features audio of Kerry's testimony before Congress in the '70's where he talks about things he saw in Viet Nam, when he was there. So these Swift Boat guys are talking about how much it hurt them and how betrayed they feel that he would go and say these things. But wait, they're not saying these horrible things didn't happen. They're not saying that Kerry is lying and 'how dare he.' No, they're pissed off because Kerry wouldn't toe the line and keep their dirty secrets with them. These guys all believe in the dictum which says that to talk about or to air our faults and failures is to give amunition to the enemy. That's why these guys are pissed off. Kerry didn't lie about the shit that went down over there, he spilled the beans.

Okay, enough ranting for tonight, I have to go to bed.


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