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Qwest Sucks II


So, a week ago yesterday, Qwest cut off our DSL. They did this because we found ourselves a month behind on our bill. See, Jessica was unemployed for a couple months this year, and even though we thought we were all caught up on our bills, we weren't. So with no warning, Qwest cuts us off. Anyway, I call Qwest on Sunday and get everything all paid up and I'm asking the girl on the phone when our DSL will be back on. She says it will take 5 business days. I found it difficult to believe that it could take that long and asked her why. Her answer was, "I don't have an answer for you." As you can imagine, this was highly unsatisfactory, so I tried in different ways to discern why it could take so long to get my service back. I continued to ask, "What about the process takes 5 business days?" Her answer continued to be, "I don't have an answer for you." This girl was so unhelpful as to be counter-productive. She couldn't or wouldn't transfer me to someone who could tell me why it would take so long to get my service back. Finally, I realized I was gonna have to concede the five days, so I said, "Fine, when the service is restored on Friday, is there anything I'll need to do?" She said to me, "Your service won't be on 'til next Monday." Remember, this was a Sunday, so I asked her, "How does Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday not work out to be 5 business days?" She told me that since the order was to go in on Monday, Monday doesn't count. I couldn't believe it so I said, "You mean to tell me that even though this order is going to go through first thing in the morning on Monday, Monday isn't going to count?" She confirmed that so I spent another several minutes trying to get at why that was the case. Again, she couldn't explain it to me and wouldn't or couldn't transfer me to someone who could. After being on the phone for a long time with this stupid bitch, I finally resigned myself to another weekend without DSL and began looking forward to the following Monday. Monday arrives but the DSL, not so much. So I'm back on the phone with Qwest's tech help and the guy asks me what modem I have. When I tell him, he tells me that Qwest is no longer using that modem so we need a new one. As it turns out the 5 business days is so Qwest can ship the new modems they're requiring customers use. That was information that was supposed have been obtained by the incompetant, unhelpful bitch the previous week. So the Qwest tech guy tells me he will 'next-day' the modem to me, but, you guessed it, the order wouldn't go through til the next day so I wouldn't be online til Wednesday. Because of that stupid girl the previous week, I had to wait an additional 3 business days (I maintain that I should have been online the previous Friday so I count Monday) to get back online.

I know... I know, I'm back on now so I should just let it go. But I still wonder why that girl went so out of her way to be so unhelpful, or why a company that tries to sell you on how high tech they are can't process an order faster, or at least let you know they're going to turn you off. It reinforces my "people are no damn good" theory.


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