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A Sad Day in American History

The mood around the city was very somber yesterday. People looked shocked and bewildered, as though trying to make sense out of how things could have gone so wrong. But there is no mystery as to what happened. The Christians put him back in office.

Despite the fact that George Bush lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,
Despite the fact that he lied to us about Iraqi links to Al Qaeda,
Despite the fact that he lied to us repeatedly about conditions in Iraq, including the Abu Grahib prison scandal,
Despite the fact that he continues to tell us that he has made America and the world a safer place when terrorist attacks worldwide have increased,
Despite the fact that his administration’s planning for the war in Iraq was, at best, incompetent, in that we didn't have enough soldiers on the ground to do the job, we didn't have the proper body armor/equipment armor, we never secured the borders thereby allowing thousands of foreign terrorist fighters to stream into Iraq,
Despite the fact that this president has made America a laughingstock among the nations to the point where we are so alienated in the world that no one really wants to help us, at all, to do anything,
Despite the fact that American energy policy was developed in closed-door sessions exclusively with cronies and friends,
Despite the fact that George Bush had the interests of the Saudi Royal Family in mind over the interests of the American people after the 9/11 attacks, when he let a whole planeload of Osama bin Laden's family leave American airspace,
Despite these and many other things, the Christians with their myopic world view, have put George Bush back in office because, by god, we can't have the faggots getting married and we damn sure can't have women in charge of their own bodies.

But hey, I'm not bitter, and if you ask, I'll tell you how I really feel....


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