I get so tired of the myopia and jingoism I hear today. In this season that's supposed to be about "Peace on Earth, and good will towards men," why is it that all we hear is "God bless America?" As though God would only be concerned with a portion of creation rather than the whole. It seems to me that we would all be better served by the attitude expressed by Tiny Tim, who says in the Dickens classic, A Christmas Carol, "God bless us, every one."
I have a friend who, I’m very nearly certain, voted for Bush. He told me as recently as a week prior to the election that he was considering voting for Bush because of the terrorism issue. I’m thinking very seriously about cutting him off as a friend. You see, the problem isn’t necessarily that he voted for Bush, it’s that I no longer respect him for coming to that decision. Having succumbed to America’s jingoistic view of Muslims I now think that perhaps my friend doesn’t have the intellectual agility I originally credited to him.
Is there any one else out there who feels betrayed by a friend who voted for Bush? I’m interested in reader’s opinions on the matter so please post a comment.