The poll numbers are still showing Bush with a lead on the issue of national security. I don't understand how this can be. Every commission, every body assembled to look at 9/11 and the war in Iraq have produced statements saying Bush is a liar. The 9/11 Commission said Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and there was no link to Al Queada while Bush maintained there was. In Afghanistan we let Osama get away. North Korea and Iran have been allowed to pursue nookyooler weapons programs unchecked, and the U.S. is presently more isolated in the world than it has been since before W.W.II, this time, though, its not by "our" choosing, but at the behest of the rest of the world, primarily because our president is (rightly) percieved to be a moron.
I don't know, man... I have been consumed since Thursday by an overwhelming sense of despair because I think Bush is gonna win.
Last week I was watching Lou Dobbs on CNN, and his question of the night was: If your candidate does not win, will you be able to get behind and support the President blah, blah, blah? The response was almost 100% "no." I have to say I agree. Whoever wins, 50% of the country will hate them.
God I'm depressed..................................
I don't know, man... I have been consumed since Thursday by an overwhelming sense of despair because I think Bush is gonna win.
Last week I was watching Lou Dobbs on CNN, and his question of the night was: If your candidate does not win, will you be able to get behind and support the President blah, blah, blah? The response was almost 100% "no." I have to say I agree. Whoever wins, 50% of the country will hate them.
God I'm depressed..................................
the cow bike is at least funny.