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CNN Story | 9-11 Call

So, I was watching CNN yesterday (I know, I know, I’m a news junkie) and there’s a story about this woman who calls 9-11 because her kids are so unruly that she can’t control them. I have searched the interweb for the transcript of this call, but even CNN’s site doesn’t have it. Anyway, I’ll try to give it to you as best as I can remember:

9-11: “Hello, 9-11.”

Caller: “Yes, I need help with my children. I’ve come home and they’re fighting and breaking things, the whole house is torn apart. I’ve got a 13 year old and an 11 year old and the 13 year old is as big as me and I just can’t control her anymore.”

9-11: “Sure, would you like us to come over there and shoot ‘em?”

Caller: “What did you say?”

9-11: “I’m sorry ma’am. It was a joke. I am sorry.”

At this point it is just her yelling at him and telling him she’s gonna speak with his supervisor and him apologizing again, and her yelling some more. Now, I gotta tell you, my sympathies are totally with the 9-11 operator. I probably would have said something along the same line. I mean, why the hell is this woman having kids she can’t cope with in the first place and then expecting the city/county/state to come to her rescue? It sounds to me like someone should have availed herself of the free parenting classes offered through Social Services. But wait this happened somewhere in Jesus Land (Florida, I think). I bet she votes Republican and I bet that those Social Services parenting classes were cancelled due to lack of funds, because Social Services is just way to liberal.

I say – speaking as the 9-11 operator – “Unless you do want us to come over and shoot ‘em, shut up! You raised ‘em, you deal with ‘em.”


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