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Lost Girls in Aruba

So, I'm kinda conflicted on just how to feel about this chick who got herself kidnapped in Aruba. Its horrible that it happened, but I can't help but think that there were 18 years worth of talking to by her parents that she probably ignored. Things like: "Don't talk to strangers," and, "Never get in a car with people that you don't know." Having been on a few school trips in my day, I can't help but imagine that there were probably rules governing the activities of the students, such as a cufew, to insure that students were safe and sound. It sounds like this girl was out partying the night before her group was to return home.

I know I sound like an insensitive asshole, but I have the same difficulty feeling sorry for cyclists who have accidents and sustain head injuries when not wearing a helmet. I got in trouble a few years back when just such a thing happened to a fellow messenger. One day everyone was talking about _______ (name withheld to protect the stupid), and how he had been hit and was in the hospital and he had a head injury. When I heard about it, my first question was, "Was he wearing a helmet?" When I heard that he hadn't been, I was unsympathetic and said, "Wow, that's a drag. Maybe next time he'll wear a helmet." This made a lot of my friends mad at me. They argued that the accident was the car driver's fault and that nobody deserves a head injury because some car driver can't drive. I replied that its true, no one deserves to be hit by a car, but helmets are for 'just in case,' and that messenger should have been wearing one. The messenger is, thankfully, okay now, and yes, he wears a helmet now.

So, concerning this girl in Aruba: Wow, that's a drag. Perhaps she wouldn't be in this mess if she had listened to her parents and teachers and been a bit more responsible. So can we please get on to some more important news?


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