I just can't stand it anymore. Read the Downing Street Memo, and you'll see that President Bush lied to the American people when he told us in his State of the Union address that the U.S. wasn't yet committed to the path of war. He lied again when he said that Saddam Hussein had tried to purchase uranium in Niger, Africa. Joseph Wilson, who is a diplomat that was sent to Niger in order to check these allegations, said that Bush was lying. Wilson was then smeared in the media by the Bush administration, and his wife Valerie Plame, an active CIA operative (working on finding WMD in the world), was "outed" by Karl Rove and Robert Novak.
Bush lied when he told us that Al Queda and Saddam Hussein had "high level" talks. Every government committee that studied 9/11 said there was no credible evidence to support that.
But its not just Georgie. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld lied when he went on "This Week with George Stephanopolis" and said he knew where the supposed Iraqi WMD was. He said it was in Tikrit and Baghdad. (This link takes you to a government website that has a complete transcript of the interview. Scroll way down to the end.) Colin Powell lied to the whole world when he went to the U.N. and said that Iraq had mobile chemical weapons plants that were making chemical weapons to be sprayed over the U.S. National Security Advisor Condi Rice went on TV and told the American people that we had better do something about Saddam Hussein because we "don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." She said this in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Talk about whipping up fear in the population.
Follow this link to the What Really Happened web site. This site has link after link after link of evidence of the Bush administration's lies to the American people concerning Iraq and the war.
So now, we have an article in The Washington Post, telling us now that we have to lower our expectations for what we can actually accomplish in Iraq. The article goes on to say that the attitude of the government was "unrealistic" when it comes to democracy in Iraq. I guess the administration forgot that's what they changed the justification for the war to, after they couldn't find the WMD! Remember when Vice President Dick Cheney told us after a year into the war, when it was increasingly obvious that there were no WMD, that the real reason we went to Iraq was to promote freedom and democracy? The Post article goes on to say that we should not expect an Iraq where all people will be free.
Goddamit people, I know I keep saying the same things over and over, but I just about go insane every time I hear some Archie Bunker mother-fucker (yes I'm old enough to remember "All In The Family") saying how he supports the President and that the Iraqi war is justified. I want to shake these moron mother-fuckers and tell them, "George Bush has blood on his hands, and if you voted for him - YOU DO TOO!"
Bush lied when he told us that Al Queda and Saddam Hussein had "high level" talks. Every government committee that studied 9/11 said there was no credible evidence to support that.
But its not just Georgie. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld lied when he went on "This Week with George Stephanopolis" and said he knew where the supposed Iraqi WMD was. He said it was in Tikrit and Baghdad. (This link takes you to a government website that has a complete transcript of the interview. Scroll way down to the end.) Colin Powell lied to the whole world when he went to the U.N. and said that Iraq had mobile chemical weapons plants that were making chemical weapons to be sprayed over the U.S. National Security Advisor Condi Rice went on TV and told the American people that we had better do something about Saddam Hussein because we "don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." She said this in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Talk about whipping up fear in the population.
Follow this link to the What Really Happened web site. This site has link after link after link of evidence of the Bush administration's lies to the American people concerning Iraq and the war.
So now, we have an article in The Washington Post, telling us now that we have to lower our expectations for what we can actually accomplish in Iraq. The article goes on to say that the attitude of the government was "unrealistic" when it comes to democracy in Iraq. I guess the administration forgot that's what they changed the justification for the war to, after they couldn't find the WMD! Remember when Vice President Dick Cheney told us after a year into the war, when it was increasingly obvious that there were no WMD, that the real reason we went to Iraq was to promote freedom and democracy? The Post article goes on to say that we should not expect an Iraq where all people will be free.
Goddamit people, I know I keep saying the same things over and over, but I just about go insane every time I hear some Archie Bunker mother-fucker (yes I'm old enough to remember "All In The Family") saying how he supports the President and that the Iraqi war is justified. I want to shake these moron mother-fuckers and tell them, "George Bush has blood on his hands, and if you voted for him - YOU DO TOO!"