Just saw on CNN how many times in the past, Osama bin Laden has popped back in to the public view with a recording or a video tape, right about the time the Bush Administration needs to draw attention away from some misdeed of their own making (illegal wire-tapping of American citizens) to some aspect of 9/11.
I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist. But it's no longer much of a stretch for me to believe that Osama is on the Bush administration pay-roll. Don't forget that the bin Laden family was heavily invested in the Bush family oil business back when Jr. was failing miserably at drilling for oil in Texas. Combine that with the fact that the one plane allowed to operate in American airspace immediately following 9/11 was a plane carrying members of the bin Laden family, one has to ask the question: Just exactly how far up the Saudi's and/or the bin Laden's' collective asses is the Bush Administration?
Bush promised us bin Laden, "dead or alive." Four years later, whenever Bush needs to justify the War on Terra, oops, I mean the War on Terror, Osama the boogey-man pops up to give Bushco ammunition. "See, we need to violate your rights to keep you safe from Osama."
It seems pretty transparent to me. Either, because of any number of incompetencies, the administration can't capture Osama, or, they won't capture Osama because they need him.
I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist. But it's no longer much of a stretch for me to believe that Osama is on the Bush administration pay-roll. Don't forget that the bin Laden family was heavily invested in the Bush family oil business back when Jr. was failing miserably at drilling for oil in Texas. Combine that with the fact that the one plane allowed to operate in American airspace immediately following 9/11 was a plane carrying members of the bin Laden family, one has to ask the question: Just exactly how far up the Saudi's and/or the bin Laden's' collective asses is the Bush Administration?
Bush promised us bin Laden, "dead or alive." Four years later, whenever Bush needs to justify the War on Terra, oops, I mean the War on Terror, Osama the boogey-man pops up to give Bushco ammunition. "See, we need to violate your rights to keep you safe from Osama."
It seems pretty transparent to me. Either, because of any number of incompetencies, the administration can't capture Osama, or, they won't capture Osama because they need him.