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Paul Bremer on CNN

Just watched Wolf Blitzer expose Paul Bremer for what he is: A republican lackey in the mold of "Brown-nose" ("Doin' a heck'uv a job,") Brownie. Perhaps Bremer wasn't/isn't quite as incompetent as Brownie, but he is definately a republican yes-man and a liar.

In discussing his new book, "My Year in Iraq," Bremer appears to be trying to market himself to the political middle and left. There seem to be passages where Bremer calls on the Bush administration for more troops, saying that troop levels on his arrival in the country weren't high enough. One passage relates an alleged conversation with Donald Rumsfeld about the reports on the numbers of Iraqi soldiers and policemen, who were supposed to be ready to shoulder some of the U.S. troops' burden, being over inflated. Another passage detailed the chaos he found on his arrival.

This is all what Bremer says he said then.

So then why is it that Wolf has Bremer on tape saying the exact opposite things to the American people in interviews from that time period? In response to direct questions on these exact topics, asked at the time, Bremer again and again, tells the American people that everything is just fine. "Oh yes, Wolf, there are absolutely enough troops here, Wolf. Oh yes, Wolf, there are 250,000 Iraqi soldiers and policemen ready to be deployed. Yes, Wolf, I do believe the United States planned adequately for the amount of lawlessness we see in Iraq today."

At one point during the present interview, Bremer complains Wolf is playing 'Gotcha' by quoting from his book and then showing the clip of him saying the exact opposite thing during interviews back then. Wolf responded, rightly, that he was only pointing out some very glaring discrepancies between what Bremer says he said to top officials in the Bush administration, and what he was saying in public.

Bremer countered by saying that he felt he should keep his concerns within the government, and only reveal policy to the people. So what we have here is a republican lackey who found his own job more important than revealing his concerns to a wider audience than Donald Rumsfeld, which, if he really had them in the first place, may have saved countless lives, both American and Iraqi.

In his role as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Paul Bremmer reported only to the U.S. Secretary of Defense and exercised authority over Iraq's civil administration. He served in this capacity from May 11, 2003 until Iraqi sovereignty was restored on June 28, 2004.


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