Why does the Democratic party leadership in the U.S. Senate continue to sit on it’s collective hands and not speak out more loudly against what Bush and Co. are doing to this country? For too long, Democratic senators have been cowed by this administration, and have refused to give voice to the rage that their constiuents feel. One of the senators from my state (Wa, Patty Murray) is up for reelection this year; I’m thinking about writing to tell her that I will be running against her. I’m of the opinion that any candidate who promises to kick George Bush in the [political] balls, metaphoricaly speaking of course, any chance they got would win, simply because most people are tired of their senators doing and saying nothing.
OK, so I decided that I wasn't going to write anything political, that I was just gonna write about personal stuff. And I haven't written a thing in two weeks. How boring is my life? But I've got some stuff coming.....