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Math Anxiety

I don't normally blog my school experiences, but I just found out today that I have to take more math. I thought I was done with math, but now I find out I have two more classes to take. I am so upset I can't hardly breath. I am so math phobic it's not funny. No, really, it's not funny. I have anxiety attacks in math class. I start to sweat and sometimes I literally start to shake. Years ago when working on my philosophy degree, I had to take logic and did relatively well. And I get so tired of having people tell me that since I did well in logic, I should do well in math. Well, it doesn't work that way, at least not for me.

Otherwise (meaning except for the math) things go well. I am actually ahead in my Cisco class, primarily because I didn't take any math this quarter, and my Net Security class is a breeze.

Fucking math! Whose ideas is/was it that one has to be a math whiz in order to work with computers?!


TheEmperfect said…
You just described me to a T when I was taking the math section of just my GED. Yes, high school math! You should have seen my scrap sheet of paper. Lol

Meh, I passed.

Don't let your anxieties ruin your goals. Just tell them to fuck off before you walk into that class. Hang in there.

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