So, I just heard back from Ryan at the Seattle Supersonics, and I am now employed as an Event Technician. My first day is this Wednesday and I'm really looking forward to it. There's just one hitch, I have to remove my facial piercings. when ryan called to let me know they wanted me to come in, he sounded very apologetic about it, letting me know that it wasn't his idea, and when he asked me if I was okay with it, I did let him know that I didn't like the idea, but the opportunity was a good one, so what the hell. I think maybe I'll take a look at "plugs" for my earring holes, I'm kinda torn between whether or not to try to save my nosering hole. I know those hole don't close up that quickly, and its only during work hours that I'll have to have them out, but still, I don't want them getting smaller either.
Anyhoo, hooray me! I have a job!
Anyhoo, hooray me! I have a job!
Most people who work have to give up something; i.e, the hours in their day, etc. Is this too much too ask?