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Nothing in Particular

I'm up early again. The pain in my back woke me up and our new noisy neighbors kept me awake. Why does our land-lady insist on putting loud people in the apartment across the wall from us? Oh well.

The Job Hunt

I've been looking for work for the past week and I think my search is at an end. I interviewed for an event technician position with the Seattle Supersonics basketball team, and I think I got it. It has to do with setting up all the technology that gets used during home games and maintaining the existing WAN for the club's day-to-day activities. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun, and a lot of stress. It's another internship position and only pays ten dollars an hour, but it would be more experience and could lead to other things. Its the experience that I'm after. I want to try a lot of different IT positions before I decide what it is exactly that I want to do in the field.

Last Night

I don't know why, but I came home last night and got pretty drunk. As most of you know, I'm not much of a drinker; my drug of choice being other than alcohol. But for some reason I just had a taste for booze so I had three shots of Jameson's on the rocks, and followed those up with a couple beers. Jessica was laughing at me because were sitting on the couch watching TV after dinner and I was holding beer bottles and trying to "play" them like a pan-flute. I wasn't hammered drunk, just well buzzed. Oh well, that should fulfill my booze quotient for the month. Although I do drink more during the darker months of the year, I rarely drink that much during one sitting.

The Political Scene

So isn't it just oodles of fun watching the republicans fall all over themselves trying to blame the Democrats for the Foley scandal? I forget which lawmaker it was but Wolf Blitzer had this guy on his show (Situation Room), and this guy was talking about how suspicious it was that the Foley scandal should break so close to the mid-terms, and was trying to say that the Dems had held on to the information until this point in time, in order to do maximum damage. When Wolf asked him if he had any proof at all of that charge, all the guy could do was stutter and try to dodge. Wolf kept at him until all this poor loser could do was ask Wolf if he had any proof that the Dems hadn't done that! Like its Wolf's job to prove or disprove this asshole's whacked out charges that the Dems had waited to release the information. If the Dems had known about Foley's lecherousness years before like this guy was saying, why didn't they use that knowledge to influence past elections? Wouldn't they have used this damning evidence to influence past elections? My understanding is that it was House republicans that broke the story to the newspaper.

I just don't think the republicans have a snowballs's chance in hell of holding on to power this year, at least in the House and Senate. The presidential race might be another matter because I just don't know who the Dems are gonna run, but with the Iraq War going as poorly as it is, and the Foley scandal having taken a toll, I think the Dems are a lock to get legislative control back. Then, I hope we see calls for the president's impeachment. If the Dems get control of the legislature, I really hope that the investigative "logjam" the republicans have set up will be broken and we can finally start to really look at how the president lied to this country in order to start a war in Iraq.


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