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I'm Back!

So, I know its been a long time, and a month ago I said I would catch
everyone up on what's been going on with me, so here it is!

First, I have a new job. I work for a company called BancTec
doing contract warranty service on Dell laptops and desktops. I replace
hardware in the systems and then troubleshoot to make sure they work.
As with any job, there are good things and bad things. The good part is
the actual taking-it-apart-and-putting-it-together. I was so scared of
laptops at first because they are so small and intricate, and I have to
confess that in my first week, I actually did break a machine. I got it
apart and then couldn't get it back together. Even though I had passed
all my certification tests, I got so nervous I just couldn't make it
work! But after a while, it got easier and easier, to the point where
now I'm not scared of laptops anymore. They're kinda like puzzles and
now it's fun. Desktops are no big deal. Every once in a while I come
across a desktop system I haven't seen before, so I just have to treat
it the same way I treat laptops, it's a puzzle, I just have to take my
time and be methodical and everything works just fine.

Unfortunately, there are more bad parts to the job than good. The first bad thing is
all the driving. Anyone at all familiar with this blog knows how I feel
about cars and drivers. Now I spend half my day driving from job to job
and I hate it. I feel like a huge hypocrite. The other drag is I really
don't like any of the people that I work with, and I really hate my
boss' boss. Its not like I work side by side with anyone because that's
not the way it works. But there is another guy, Brian, who picks up
parts at the sameDHL that I do, whose area is the east side, Bellevue, Kirkland, all the way out to Snoqualmie. At any rate, there have been many occasions over the past several months when Brian has been sent to do other things, leaving me to cover
his area and my own. That's not the problem. The problem is that when
that happens its his responsibility to let me know that I need to cover
his area, but either he just doesn't let me know at all, or he doesn't
let me know until I'm at the DHL so I don't have any of his work orders
printed so I don't know what parts to pick up, or he lets me know 5
minutes before I'm walking out the door. Very inconvenient. And when
I'm covering his area, he expects me to just do work in his area,
leaving work to pile up in my own. This guy's not my boss but he acts
like he is.

Speaking of my boss, I really don't even know who
that is right now because the guy that originally hired me, Tom, just
quit last week because his boss is a "grade A"
asshole. Since Tom has been gone, his boss, Bob, has been in charge of
all us techs, and I can see why Tom quit. Bob just expects that
everyone lives to work, that we have nothing to do on the weekends and
won't mind at all giving up our days off to handle extra work. And
that's just not how I "roll." I don't live to work, I work to live.
Neither Jessica or I want to be rich, and we don't have any designs on
living in a big fancy house or having lots of exspensive toys. We do
what we need to do in order to do what we want to do. I guess it boils
down to the fact that when I'm on my death bed, about to breath my
last, I don't think I'm going to be thinking, 'Jeez, I wish I'd worked
more and made ass-loads of money.' I rather think I'll be thinking more
along the lines of, 'Jeez, I wish I'd spent more time with my friends
and the people I love.' At any rate, all that to say that Bob asked me
to work on this past Saturday and sounded positively offended when I
told him, 'No,' because it was Jessica's birthday and we had plans.

that's where things are with me for the moment as far as work is
concerned. Otherwise, my mother is coming to town the first week of
August and the three of us (my mom,jessica and myself) have plans to go
to the Olympic Peninsula for four days and then off to Ocean Shores for
three days and we're going to have a wonderful time.

I do plan to write more often, I know, I've said that before, but its true. I'll write more soon.


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