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Away Too Long

I know...I know, its been far too long since my last post. But I'm here now and I'll catch you up on everything. So, since getting laid-off, I have been thinking about going back to school. The thing is, I've been thinking about going back for 10 years, but the thought of it always filled me with terror because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. Well, I decided to go to Seattle Central and get a certificate in computer networking. My thinking is this: get certified in something that leads to working smart instead of hard. Then, that job can take me back to school for something I really want to do. So anyway, there is a program through Unemployment Insurance called the Commissioner Approved Training Plan that allows one to go to school while still recieving one's unemployment benefits, without having to do the weekly job searches. The program doesn't pay for school, it just allows one to go to school and not have to work. Sounds like a great program, huh? Well, it is, but there are a lot of hoops to jump through in order to get in, and that's what I've been doing with most of my time. I know, that's no excuse for not blogging, but between getting my shit together for this school thing, and still putting the apartment together after the move, I've been busy.

The apartment is great. Jess and I really like our new neighborhood. In our old place up on Capitol Hill, we were worried about getting ripped-off. Here in our new place, that's not much of a concern as it seems to be a pretty nice neighborhood. Instead, I think we're more worried about this place burning down. It seems our new landlord failed to mention to us that a lot of the wiring throughout the building needs to be replaced. One of our neighbors in the building, who has been here for about 10 years, tells us that his apartment doesn't have any grounded wall outlets. He says an electrician came through a few years ago and found that some of the outlets in the apartments were wired incorrectly and fixed them. But in my apartment, if I have one appliance going, and I flip the switch for the kitchen lights, which are flourescent, then the lights flicker and don't come on all the way until I turn the other appliance off first. That's not a wiring issue, per se, but it does point to a capacity problem.

Let's see, what else.... Oh! The new neighborhood is filled with good looking women! Okay, I don't mean to make it sound like the place is just teeming with hotties, I'm just sayin' that compared to our old neighborhood, which was pretty much represented by older, single-mother types (nothing wrong with that if that's what you're in to), the new neighborhood seems to have more, younger women. There is this one girl, who lives in the apartment building across the walk from us, who is very fine. And there's another that catches the bus at my stop and she lives close-by. Anyhoo, it woud be nice if Jess and I could make a special friend over here.

I guess that's all from a personal stand-point. I will be back to blogging so check back in soon.


TheEmperfect said…
Good for you, going back to school and all. I should be thinking about what I want to be when I grow up too. I still have two more years to think it over. ;)

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