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Check Her Out

As my regular readers (all 4 of you) know by now, I will occasionally air my grievances over being lied to by President Bush and the crime family known as the Bush Administration. Its the lies that really piss me off, so that's what I write about.

Well, after my last rant on the subject, a reader who calls herself The Emperfect left the following comments: "Most Americans also agree that it's just plain wrong to give millionaires a $140,000 annual tax break, or eliminate the estate tax for $52,000 US families at a cost of nearly $1 trillion over ten years, or reward companies that exchange good jobs at home for slave-wage jobs overseas, and at the same time starve education, Medicaid, veterans' health care, and even homeland security. So many offenses, so little time."

I post Em's comments here to show that other people are doing a fine job of keeping track of the Bush crime family's other devious deeds, and also to highlight Em herself. She maintains a wonderful blog and website where you can read about many other aspects of the Bush administration and the goings on in Iraq, as well the interesting things going on in her life. Em herself was a Marine, and she has a hubby (whom I believe is still) serving in Iraq now, so you can see that she has a vested interest in what goes on over there. And from the quote above, you can see that she knows her stuff. I always feel good when I check to see who has been logging on to my humble, little site and see Em in the register.

So, in the interest of spreading the love (hey, get your mind out of the gutter!)and the readership, if you haven't checked out The Emperfect, go there now!


TheEmperfect said…
Thanks Stephen. Appreciation always feels good.

One thing though... I was NEVER a Marine.=P I'll tell you what I have done though. I broke my families perfect record for having someone in the military in every generation since the Revolutionary War. True story.
Stephen said…
Heya Em,
My mistake, I thought I had read that you had been in. Anyhoo, I just thought I would give folks something other than my drug and alcohol induced rants about the lies. The lies!....the lies!...I better burn one, "I feel one of my turns coming on."

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