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Over the Past Month

Hello all! Well, the past month has been interesting. I've gotten myself an internship this summer working for the Washington State Democrats. They are going to be moving their offices from one office to another, so, they will be tearing down their existing computer network, and rolling out a new wireless network in their new offices, which is where I come in. Computer networking is what I've been studying in school for the past year, and now I get the opportunity to do what I've been playing at. Good things about this internship: working for the Dems will be cool. Even if it had meant I would be full-on Network Administrator, I don't think I would have taken the offer if it had meant working for the republicans. I wasn't looking to work for any party, I was just looking for a summer internship, it just turned out to be the WA State Dems. Bad things about this internship: I'm working for free this summer. I would say half of all the internships I saw listed, were un-paid positions. Boeing had no internships in the IT field at all. So I think think I'm gonna apply at the Subway Sandwiches up the street for a paying gig. Yes, I wish I could've gotten a paying internship in the IT field, but as I said, my chances of that were only 50-50 from the start.


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