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Hey All

Well, the New Year is underway, and while it's still way too early to
be able to tell how things are going to go, I am confident that this
will be a good year. Perhaps it has something to do with the current
political climate, you know, theDems being mostly in charge and stuff, but I have the feeling that there will be a lot to like this year.

In other news, our bathroom ceiling is about to fall in, again. The roof
on our apartment building is flat and when it rains a large pool
gathers and then leaks in through our bathroom ceiling. We've got mold
spots bigger than silver dollars! I took pictures of the ceiling and
sent them along with our rent but we've heard nothing back from our
land-lady. The other night it was practically raining in our bathroom
so I suppose we'd better actually give her a call.

Jessica and I went to the New Year's Eve party at the Space Needle this year and it
was cool. Since Jess and I moved in together on January 1st, we like to
say that the city of Seattle puts on a very nice fireworks display for
our anniversary, anyway, while we've watched the show from a popular
spot across the highway several times, we've never joined the teeming
throng at Seattle Center before. The traffic, the crowds, you
know...but this year there was a Sonics game on New Year's Eve and I
was gonna be there anyway, so we decided Jess would meet me there. It
was a good time! We had an excellent view of the Space Needle and I
took some great pics and video with Jess' new digital camera.

The job with the Sonics goes well. I think I finally have the hang of
what's going on there. It's not like going to a Monday through Friday
gig and that made training difficult, but it's all good now. I need to
find out if my employment contract extends through Storm season. The
Storm is Seattle'sWNBA team. Speaking of the Storm, I worked a seat
selection event where folks holding season tickets for the upcoming
Storm season got to come in and pick which seats they wanted. Now I had
always heard that most of theWNBA's fans were lesbians, but never knew
whether or not it was true. It's true. I saw so many female couples
coming to pick out their seats. I suppose it shouldn't come as any big
surprise that the lesbian ladies like the female players, I just wonder
whether that's true across the country, or whether its just a Seattle
thing. Straight men and gay men have all the other sports, so why
shouldn't the lesbians have a sport they can get in to?

So I guess that's all I've got for now. I promise to try and write more in the coming New Year.


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